Because calling it Covid-19 special didn’t sound right to me.
After debating with many colleagues and analyzing the implications, I am starting this Spring Special. Please note that this will, (most likely), be a short term and exploratory offer:
- Short term because your and my (and subsequently my family’s), safety is of great importance to me; the quality of my work is also very important to me. This 2020 Spring Special will be active for as long as those two conditions are met
- Experimental because I rely heavily on communication with my clients to achieve my results. This is obviously hindered by the fact that any session will have to be done keeping at least 2 m (preferably more) between us.
I hope this is OK with you.
(more details regarding the session below the images)
More about the session:
- At this point only engagement/couple portrait sessions will take place. Please consult me to discuss other possibilities
- All sessions will take place outside (in the Hilversum area, somewhere in the Heide. Please consult me first for location preference and possibility)
- Sessions will take around 1 hr in total (given the obstacles due to the physical distancing, there is flexibility with the time, i.e. no charge for reasonable extra time)
- Payment will be €250 (20% deposit, the rest once the photos are ready). If you work in the Health or any other sector directly in the front line against “this”, please let me know
- You will receive a USB (shipping costs apply) or a download link with Hi-Res images (up to 30x20cm at 300 ppi – printable at higher sizes too) (This is usually part of my €450 package but it is included in this €250 one)
- It is possible to change the date given I am available on the new date
- Full refund of the deposit is guarantee under certain circumstances (basically, anything outside of your will power, like getting sick, increased strictness of government regulations, a flood, an earthquake, the end of the world…)
- Photos will be ready from 7-10 days after session
- Other products (depending on availability) will be available after the session at preferential prices (enlargements, frames, mini-books, etc…)
- Consultations will take place via email or WA/Skype if needed.
If you made it this far reading all this, congrats!
To book or find out more, please contact me here
While I am reviewing the content in my site at the moment (given the conditions), feel free to navigate the rest of my site
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